Multiple cotton fabric dyed with Madder using different kind of dying methodes 

I explored the world of madder
Madder are the roots of the Rubia plant and gives a beautiful red colour. It was one of the colours the Dutch cultivated and trade the most, but it has almost disappear. 
What can I do with this Dutch pround?
Can you make more colors with it?  
How can I change the PH values of a dye bath and does it change the colour?
Can I reuse the madder of a second or even third dye bath? 
Which mordant can I use? 

Madder and Indigo dye combined with Shibori techniques 

Shibori techniques with Madder roots dye
Shibori techniques with Madder roots dye
All colours made out Madder roots
All colours made out Madder roots
Shibori techniques with Madder roots and Indigo dyes
Shibori techniques with Madder roots and Indigo dyes
Natural ink out of Madder screen printed on cotton fabric dyed with Madder
Natural ink out of Madder screen printed on cotton fabric dyed with Madder
Screen printing with Madder inks
Screen printing with Madder inks

Madder dye on cotton combined with Shibori techniques, 100X70 

"I made my own recipes how to make this colours and I am still learning more!"

Madder dyed cotton fabric with screen printing and Shibori techniques 

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