Raspberry bio leather 

Spirulina bio leather 

Bacteria grow under the microscope
Bacteria grow under the microscope
Bacteria grow under the microscope
Bacteria grow under the microscope
Bacteria grow under the microscope
Bacteria grow under the microscope
Funghi grow under the microscope
Funghi grow under the microscope
Bacteria grow under the microscope
Bacteria grow under the microscope
Bacteria grow under the microscope
Bacteria grow under the microscope
Funghi grow under the microscope
Funghi grow under the microscope

Strawberry bio leather 

Lemon bio leather 

Thin slices lemon drying under pressure - day 1 

Thin slices lemon drying under pressure - day 7

Testing to combine bio gelatine spirulina leather with embroidery 

Bio plastic dyed with kurkuma 

Bio plastic dyed with kurkuma 

Trying out to make shapes with bio plastic 

Sunglasses made out of gelatin plastic and foam dyed with kurkuma and madder 
Editoral shoot: 
Bio plastic sunglasses 
Model: Manon van Leeuwen 
Photography: Lise van den Bos 

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